Hypoallergenic Water buffalo with sweet potato

  • 100% Human-grade quality of all ingredients
  • Produced in-house with love & care
  • Exotic meat variety as single protein
  • Low-allergen recipe, just one vegetable variety
  • Developed in conjunction with vets
  • Suitable for an exclusion diet
  • Complete feed for dogs
Art.No. 140041 ·€13.43 / 1 kg
6x 400g
Art.No. T140041 ·€13.02 / 1 kg
€32.21 3 % save €31.24*
12x 400g
Art.No. M140041 ·€12.88 / 1 kg
€64.42 4 % save €61.84*
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Produced by master butchers


Developed with veterinarians


100% human-grade quality of all ingredients


Grain & gluten-free


Without unnecessary additives


Water buffalo muscle meat (60%), sweet potato (36%), rapeseed oil, seaweed*, minerals *dried

Nutritional additives/kg:

Vit. A (3a672a): 8300 IU
Vit. D3 (3a671): 370 IU
Kupfer/copper/cuivre/rame (3b405): 2 mg 
Mangan/manganese/manganèse/manganese (3b503): 9,8 mg 
Jod/iodine/iode/iodio (3b201):  0,6 mg
 Zink/zinc/zinc/zinco (3b603): 20 mg

Meat : vegetables : other ingredients = 60% : 36% : 4%


Terra Canis Hypoallergen – Highest quality for dogs with allergies

Especially for dogs with allergies and intolerances, highest quality of raw materials is essential. The Terra Canis HYPOALLERGENIC menus consist of pure muscle meat (60%) from a single, exotic protein source. This meat is complemented by a low-allergen vegetable. Rapeseed oil provides high-quality fatty acids and is known to support the gastrointestinal tract and to have a positive effect on skin and coat. A balanced mix of vitamins and minerals ensures that the dog is supplied with all essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Terra Canis HYPOALLERGENIC is suitable for dogs with food allergies / intolerances and for the implementation of an exclusion diet.

Terra Canis HYPOALLERGENIC was able to prove in a scientific study* that there is no contamination of a foreign DNA. In the renowned magazine ‘Veterinary Dermatology’ a study* was released by international veterinarians. The variety Terra Canis hypoallergenic horse was examined. Terra Canis hypoallergenic was the only wet food which was untainted and without any contamination of one of the five tested foreign DNA. The results from this study show that 9 out of 12 products by renowned producers contained DNA of one or more of the five tested animal species which were not declared. The DNA of beef (8 products) and pork (6 products) was most frequently detected.

What to feed? Find more information about our gastrointestinal lines here.

*”Detection of DNA from undeclared animal species in commercial elimination diets for dogs using PCR“ (Horvath-Ungerboeck, Widmann, Handl; Veterinary Dermatology 2017; 28:373-e86)

Buffalo meat can have a strong smell and taste that is not comparable to beef or chicken, for example. This smell is normal and is caused by a combination of factors, such as the diet, the age of the animal and the processing of the meat. Buffalo are herbivores and feed in the wild on plants they find, such as grasses, herbs and other plants – depending on the composition of the food supply, this can affect the taste of the meat and contribute to a strong smell. The age of the animal is also another important factor. The meat of slightly older animals tends to have a stronger smell than that of very young or younger animals.

Why are these menus more expensive?

In addition to the exclusive use of muscle and heart meat and the 100% human-grade quality of all ingredients, the extremely high market price for ostrich, buffalo, camel and kangaroo meat makes this product somewhat more expensive.This meat can cost 3-4 times as much as beef, turkey, or chicken meat. It must be imported as frozen goods from Australia and South Africa.

- Processing exclusively muscle and heart meat from a low-allergen protein source and a single vegetable variety (sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke or parsnip)
- Addition of rapeseed oil 
- Contains no grains and no lactose
- Addition of human-grade vitamins, minerals and trace elements

Complete food for dogs.

and many more ...

Analytical components

Protein: 8.8 % fat content: 9.1 % crude fibre: 0.5 % crude ash: 1.4 % moisture: 77.5 %
MJ/kg: 4.9

Feeding recommendation

Dog's weight - Feeding recommended/day:
(adult, normal-weight dog)
2,5 - 5 kg
160 - 350 g
5 - 10 kg 350 - 650 g
10 - 20 kg 650 - 1300 g
20 - 30 kg 1300 - 1900 g
30 - 40 kg 1900 - 2600 g
Approximate values to be adjusted to your dog's individual circumstances (exercise area, activity level, breed, metabolism, time of year).
We recommend regular weight checks.

Our promise of quality

With their unique concept ‘Dog nutrition in 100% human-grade quality of all ingredients, Terra Canis set completely new quality standards in the pet food industry 16 years ago. Thanks to a special permit from the government of Upper Bavaria, pet food was able to be produced for the first time in a genuine human-grade quality company, the traditional Munich butcher’s shop Schäbitz. This was made possible by the fact that, right from the very start, only ingredients were used which, thanks to their freshness and highest quality, were officially approved for human food products at the time of processing. This uncompromising quality and the associated delicious, appetising smell set Terra Canis menus still today apart from all other products on the market.
Due to the constantly increasing demand, the butcher's shop in the heart of Munich has reached its capacity limits. As quality is of the highest priority for Terra Canis, the menus will now be produced in their own new facility just outside Munich. Manufacturing the products within “the own four walls” enables maximum control over the quality of all ingredients and production processes. In addition, both master butchers from Schäbitz butcher’s in Munich and their entire team have been brought over, bringing with them decades of experience and expertise in the butcher's trade. All the ingredients used, the production site and the hygiene concept are still subject to 100% human-grade standards. Terra Canis customers can therefore continue to rely on the human-grade quality of the ingredients in all products.

Introducing our master butcher




Sehr gutes Hundefutter.

mein Hund hat leider viele Unverträglichkeiten und hat bei diesem Futter keinerlei Probleme - leider gibt es dieses Futter nicht in 800 gramm Dosen, dann wäre es perfekt für uns , da bei einem großen Hund doch einige Dosen anfallen und der Umwelt zuliebe wäre weniger Abfall wünschenswerter.

Tobias, 28.09.2021


Endlich ein Futter für meinen allergischen Hund das vertragen wird und noch dazu super lecker schmecken muss. 😋 Der Napf ist ruckzuck leer. Das Futter werde ich auch weiterhin bestellen.

Birgit, 14.08.2021

Endlich wieder Freude am Fressen!

Mein Rüde hatte ständig Bauchschmerzen und hat auf jede Sorte Fleisch reagiert. Dadurch hatte er keine Freude mehr am Fressen und oft blieb der Napf halb voll. Nach langem Testen verschiedener Marken und Sorten sind wir auf die Sorte Wasserbüffel gestoßen. Seitdem kann er es gar nicht mehr erwarten, gefüttert zu werden, bettelt um Nachschlag und der Napf ist immer säuberlich auf den letzten Rest ausgeputzt. Wir sind so dankbar, dass wir endlich das richtige Futter gefunden haben und der Hund wieder voller Lust und Lebensfreude frisst. Danke, Terra Canis!

Anabel, 06.10.2020

Super Produkt

Super Produkt für Hunde mit vielen Unverträglichkeiten

Ronja, 01.06.2019

Super Verträglichkeit. Ich bin überzeugt.

Ich bin zufällig über diese Sorte gestolpert und einfach nur begeistert. Meine Hündin ist nicht nur "ein bisschen" allergisch sondern nimmt alles mit was geht. Neben Getreide (Futtermilbenallergie), kann sie viele gängige Kohlenhydrate und Gemüse nicht fressen. Sie reagiert aufgrund von Pollen-Kreuzallergien auf dermaßen viel (u.a. Kartoffeln, Karotte, Pastinake, Kürbis, Zucchini u.s.w.), das es bis dato sehr schwierig war, ein Fertigmenü zu finden. Sie verträgt auch nur wenige Ölsorten. Von hypoallergenen Sorten anderer Hersteller, die sie eigentlich laut Deklaration vertragen müsste (Süßkartoffeln sind kein Problem), hat sie Durchfall bekommen. Warum, weiß ich nicht. Diese Terra Canis-Sorte mit Wasserbüffel und Süßkartoffel verträgt sie perfekt. Selbst das aufstoßen, das sie bei meinen selbstgekochten Mahlzeiten (Pferd+Süßkartoffel) immer wieder hat , ist mit dieser Sorte komplett verschwunden. Und das hat bei meiner Hündin wirklich etwas zu heißen. Das erste Fertigfutter seit zwei Jahren (!!!) das vertragen wird. Vielen Dank an Terra Canis. Ich hoffe die Sorte bleibt noch lange im Programm.

Julia, 13.09.2018