Tina & Emma
Hello dear Terra Canis Team,
First of all, great praise to your team. The path taken by my female labrador and myself, has been very rocky, and not always easy over the last three years. From initial problems of finding appropriate food, reading five books about proper nutrition for dogs, as well as consulting my veterinarian, I finally found my way to you. Emma has suffered, since she was a puppy ,under strong itching, severe diarrhea, and time and time again, worms and parasites. Generally, she was not in very good condition.
Veterinarians were partly at a loss as to what to do. Even the use of antibiotics and special food( Royal Canin, vet concept etc.), was to no avail. So, was that to be our path for the future? I wasn´t willing to accept that! A veterinarian even recommended putting her to sleep, since he did not know how to help her. I was shocked! She was only one year old!! So, I continued my search to find another veterinarian, that perhaps had a solution.
Then, I found HER!!!
She was the first veterinarian that really wanted to help us. What a fabulous woman!!! She recommended Terra Canis. I was to stop everything else immediately, as far as possible. I was not to give her any more pills, but to work with Terra Canis oils, pastes and herbs. What can I tell you? My cupboard is stuffed with your wonderful products! And Emma? She is feeling so much better!!
Since we switched to Terra Canis, she has fewer problems than before. Intestinal parasites are a thing of the past, and the itching is almost gone. Emma seems to be much fitter, and more agile. The skin areas that she had scratched bloody, have healed over, and she is completely healthy.
It is so rare to see a dog enjoying their meal so much, that they smack. Emma eats the grain-free variety. At home we feed her wet food.
Job related, we are on the road once in awhile, so we would be so happy if there was more variety in dry food sector. Especially horse, which she really loves.
In addition, perhaps there could be a customers recruit customers program. I was already successful in convincing four of my friends to switch to Terra Canis, due to the exceptional quality! All dogs: Buddy, Henri, Nala & Linda absolutely love it!! Even Buddy, who is used to, what I call Mc Donalds, was finally convinced, after a short period of refusal. Now he eats it with such pleasure, that you here him smacking in the living room.
Furthermore, I find it somewhat unfortunate that your products are available at Zooplus at a reduced price. Wouldn´t it be better to get the best value for your money from the manufacturer?
As far as I am concerned, I would order over your website, if this were the case! I would like to support Terra Canis even more in the future. You have given me, and Emma, a so much better quality of life. However, the most valuable thing you´ve given Emma is good health.
Kind greetings from Hannover, Tina&Emma