Sarah Leixner
Dear Terra Canis Team,
A little over a year ago, we adopted a stray dog from Thailand. When he arrived here, he was very thin, and his fur was very ragged with some bald patches. The fur around his neck in particular was in a bad condition.
We like the Terra Canis company philosophy, because it is important to us that our dog is fed appropriately to his species. It was important to us that the ingredients are openly declared, and we like the composition of the food. Our dog loves the grain-free range by Terra Canis. We alternate between the varieties. They all smell really nice and have a lovely consistency. You can still identify the various ingredients. When his bowl is empty, he still spends ages leaking it clean. J
He has put on weight since we started feeding him Terra Canis, and he now weighs what he should. His coat is lovely and shiny, and feels so soft - and it has all grown back again around his neck. His poos are also normal, which again tells us that it is a high-quality food that provides him with exactly what he needs. Now aged about 4½, he is a healthy, happy dog and bursting with energy. J We’re planning to try the new oil and the Herbal Heroes soon, and bake delicious dog biscuits for him using your recipes.