Jenny & Fiete
Dear Terra Canis team,
Fiete is a 13-month-old terrier mix and did not really like to eat. The first months together were horrible: his coat was greasy, bristly and it stank. He had bad breath and defecated too much. At the same time, he only had little appetite.
Then I came across your company: I feed your wet food and always add a bit of your oils or your pastes.
My conclusion is that all negative points mentioned above have disappeared. He loves to eat, smells good and his coat smells so nice.
Moreover, the scent of your food is so delicious.
Meanwhile, I also feed your Strolchis venison and beef. He loves your Lieblingswurst as well. We also send Christmas packages to our friends’ and acquaintances’ dogs to convince them of your excellent quality :).
I’m a huge fan of your philosophy. I’m in love with your lovely design and thank you for these incredible products. It is fun to shop your products. I’ll never put anything else in my shopping basket :).
Please continue your great work.
Best regards from Grömitz on the Baltic Sea,
Jenny & Fiete