Carina & Luky
Dear Terra Canis team,
I’d like to pay you high compliments on your great food.
Quite a long time I looked for information concerning which food I can give to my toy poodle. Food in which there are no ingredients that are bad for your health.
But many producers don’t even indicate all ingredients. But you’re different. Many other dog owners recommended you as well and I can only say: you keep your promises.My dog Luky loves your food and we don’t have any problems with allergies or food intolerance.
A word in a personal matter:
For some years, I’ve been interested in animal photography and on a boring evening it came to my mind that I could place Luky’s favorite food in the pictures as well. You can see the result in the attachment.
Should you look for a suitable photo model one day, Luky would be happy to help!
Kind regards,
Carina & Luky