Bolle and Camilla
Dear Terra Canis Team,
I want to thank you with all my heart for your wonderful dog food!!!🌷🌷🌷
I was always so happy to order from you.
Our dear Bolle died at the ripe old age of 15 and went over the rainbow on Monday..
My husband and I are absolutely convinced that having reached that age, is due to
the high quality of your dog food.
How often he was diagnosed as being very ill (renal insufficiency) etc..
We didn´t listen to the doctors. We just changed his feed, and his laboratory values
were absolutely normal. That is many years ago, as I´m sure you can see by the date
on our first order.
Until his death, there was no medication necessary. Aside from a few minor
ailments,due to old age, he was an active and happy dog.
Again, thank you so much!!.You can be sure, that if a new furry friend comes into our
lives again, he´ll get Terra Canis in his bowl.🐶👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Kind regards,
Camilla Vocke
(CADO Holzdesign)